Deciding on whether to buy a product like ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls or perhaps WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box? You’re in the right place as we’ll take you through all of the specs, features and look at the quality, pricing and reviews of both to help you make the decision on which one to go for.

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ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls vs WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box

ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls specs

ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls
WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box specs

WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box
Characteristics: 2 balls per pack

Type: Condenser box for tumble dryers

Compatibility: Universal

Colour: White


Material: PVC


Box contents: WPro UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box

Dimensions: 130 x 284 x 165 mm (H x W x D)

Weight: 20 g

Manufacturer’s guarantee: 1 year

Price: £6.99

Price: £14.99

Number of Reviews:

Number of Reviews:

Review Score: 8.6 / 10

Review Score: 9.9 / 10

When deciding on whether to buy ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls or WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box, a very important consideration is the price. So we’re going to spend a bit of time looking at the price of both.

To start with, we looked at the price of the 250 products in the same category as ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls, which is the Laundry accessories category. Of these 250 products the average price was £421.17, the most expensive was £1379.99 and the cheapest was just £4.99. We then looked at the price of the 250 in the same as the WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box, which of course the average was £421.17, top price was £1379.99 and cheapest £4.99.

We then looked specifically at the average price of products from Ecozone and Wpro, the average was £5.74 for Ecozone, £16.57 for Wpro. The max for each was £7.99/£49.99 and minimum was £2.99/£5.99

Price analysis of ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls

Price analysis of WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box

  • ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls
  • Save money and time with these clever Ecozone Tumble Dryer Balls! By using Dryerballs you can reduce drying time by as much as 25% and have soft clothes naturally, without the need for fabric softeners. Non-toxic and allergy-free, the environmentally friendly Ecozone Dryerball also makes ironing easier and reduces lint and static. Don’t dream of drying without Ecozone Tumble Dryer Balls!
  • Product codes: 5039179002060
  • WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box
  • 1 year guarantee
  • Convert to condenser drying
  • The WPro UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box transforms your vented tumble dryer into a condenser tumble dryer.The WPro UCD002 is simple to use and enables the use of a vented tumble dryer without exterior venting.It helps to prevent dust deposits on interior walls and reduces the condensation in the drum by channelling hot air into a container, which can later be emptied.Quick and easy to install, the WPro UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box helps to reduce the condensation in your kitchen or laundry room.
  • Product codes: 8015250475920

What’s better ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls or WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box?

There are obviously a number of differences between ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls and WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box, but there are several things that you can use when comparing the two. The first of these, which we’ve already covered, is price. Make sure you spend a bit of time deciding how much you are willing and able to spend on your product to really get a good idea if the £6.99 cost of ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls is closer to the expectation you had than the £14.99 pricep point of WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box.

Once you’ve nailed down everything there is to know on the price of both, the next step is to really study the reviews. Taking the time to read reviews of both will really help you to decide which is a better product between ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls and WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box. We looked at the reviews over at Currys PC World for both products and found that ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls scores out of 10 from reviews. Whereas WPRO UCD002 Tumble Dryer Condenser Box scores out of 10 from reviews.

It’s also really worthwhile spending the time to look at the key differences between the two products. For that you can use our comparison table about which looks at the main features of both products to give you a clear idea of where one product perhaps benefits over another. When comparing the two it’s a really good idea to have an idea in your mind of the key features that you need from your Laundry accessories as this will help you to narrow down the products that do or don’t meet your criteria.

ECOZONE Tumble Dryer Balls

8.33 out of